Management and treatment of bronchial asthma in adults and children on the basis of new guidelines
Anna Książkiewicz 1 , Edyta Kwilosz 1 , Rafał Fornal 2 , Ewa Dworzańska 3Abstract
Bronchial asthma is the most common chronic disease in children and adults under 40 years of age. Characteristic symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath, tightness of the chest and a cough varying in time and intensity. The disease usually begins in childhood and lasts a lifetime, with periods of exacerbation and remission. Asthma can occur at any age, but in approximately 80% of cases the first asthma attack occurs before the age of 5. Over the past several years, progress in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with asthma has been made. In addition to the long-established objective assessment methods, such as functional tests, rapid asthma control questionnaires recommended for use in daily practice and noninvasive methods for assessing inflammation have been introduced. The availability of these methods and their degree of use in routine practice are variable. Taking careful history with the child and parents is very important. A detailed history is the first and primary step of asthma recognition. While in the case of adults, the observation period and available methods usually allow us to make reliable diagnosis of the disease, in younger children the diagnosis is associated with difficulties resulting from the inability to use some diagnostic tools. The paper discusses the currently available diagnostic methods and those used for monitoring the disease, especially the most current ones used in the youngest children. Medications used in asthma treatment have been characterized, including new therapeutic options, especially biological treatment. Particular attention was paid to the education of the patient and caregivers, which, apart from well-established treatment, determines good asthma control.
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