Differentiating dysplasia markers in Barrette sophagus and adenocarcinoma
Adrian Mor 1 , Krzysztof Kobus 2 , Urszula Leszczyńska 1 , Joanna Reszeć 1Abstract
Barrett’s esophagus (BE) is the only known precursor of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). This precancerous lesion can transform into low-grade and high-grade dysplasia, which may develop in the EAC. Therefore, the issues of dysplasia detection and monitoring and early diagnostics for the presence of EAC foci are extremely important factors in the surveillance of patients with BE progression. Histopathological examinations are regarded as the gold standard in the BE progression evaluation. They posses a large clinical utility in the identification of dysplasia and cancer risk stratification in patients with the BE. However, this method is a very subjective, and is heavily dependent on the knowledge and experience of the person conducting it. Therefore, it seems to be important to implement in the BE progression diagnostics sensitive and specific biomarkers that could be used as complementary tests. They could improve detection, stratification and monitoring of the progression of BE and the detection of the EAC early stages. Literature data concerning markers distinguishing between different stages of Barrett’s-related dysplasia and cancer is very scarce. In this article there we collected and characterized the most important data. Apart from this, there is a fairly large group of proteins and genes. Their expression levels allow for the detection of changes during the development of the BE progression. No studies have been carried out yet for their usefulness in differentiating between types of BE-related dysplasia and EAC, but we know that some of them could be useful as auxiliary markers differentiating between different stages of dysplasia and EAC. The article discusses those with the greatest potential.
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