Perspectives for the application of interleukin 15 in anti-cancer therapy
Katarzyna Węgierek 1 , Elżbieta Pajtasz-Piasecka 1Abstract
Interleukin (IL-) 15 plays a crucial role in the preservation of lymphoid cell homeostasis including maintaining a broad repertoire of naïve T, B and NK cells, eliminating effector cells and long-term survival of memory cells. It is an essential causative factor in generating CD8+ T cells of memory. In addition, it selectively promotes not only survival and proliferation, but also the effector function of antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes, even in the presence of regulatory T cells. Interleukin 15 can thus modulate immune suppression as well as promote an immune activation. All obtained data on the biology and function of IL-15 provide information essential to design the manners of its application in the fight against the solid cancers and myeloproliferative neoplasms and make it a promising therapeutic option provided that its potential is consciously used. In this paper we reviewed on the relationship between the biological properties of IL-15 and its IL-15/IL-15Rα complex and their antitumor potential in the light of recent reports about the possibilities of using these molecules in cancer therapy have been assessed.
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