The intestinal microbiota in psoriasis
Monika Koper 1 , Anna Woźniacka 1 , Ewa Robak 1Abstract
Microbiota is a kind of ecosystem inhabiting some organs, supporting their proper functioning, but also having a significant impact on the development of the immune system. The largest reservoir of microbiota is the digestive tract, where the largest number of lymphocytes is also present. Literature gradually increases the number of studies assessing the relationship between intestinal dysbiosis and the development of various parenteral diseases. This article presents the latest data from the medical literature regarding intestinal microbiota and barrier in patients with psoriasis. In the cited studies, a quantitative advantage of Firmicutes phylum over Bacteroidetes phylum and a smaller colonization of Actinobacteria phylum has been demonstrated. In terms of the species, colonization of bacteria Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and Akkermansia muciniphilia was reduced, and Escherichia coli increased. Regarding the participation of individual taxonomic units, the results in the cited studies are partly different. However, all revealed significant differences between the intestinal microbiota of patients with psoriasis and a healthy population, which suggests the importance of intestinal dysbiosis in the development of this disease. It seems more important that what leads to disturbances in the metabolic balance is not so much the quantity of individual taxonomic units as their disproportions. In some studies, the deviations in microbiota correlated with the level of metabolites and indicators of inflammation. Moreover, some studies revealed a significantly higher incidence of Candida in the oral cavity as well as in the stool samples of patients with psoriasis. There are also reports in the literature in which the occurrence of intestinal inflammation and the impairment of the intestinal barrier in patients with psoriasis have been demonstrated. These observations indicate interrelations between psoriasis and intestinal disorders as well as the involvement of dysbiosis in both associations and the pathogenesis of psoriasis.
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