Therapeutic implications of extracorporeal photopheresis for rheumatic diseases
Ewa Morgiel 1 , Jarosław Dybko 2 , Marta Madej 1 , Grzegorz Mazur 3Abstract
Extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) procedure is based on mononuclear cells (MNC) apheresis and their extracorporeal UVA exposure. It has been applied mainly in hematology and transplantation. Over thirty years of experience confirmed its effectiveness, outstanding safety profile and good tolerance. These observations encourage the implementation of ECP in the treatment of autoimmune connective tissue diseases. The procedure might be considered in refractory cases, when the first line treatment strategies do not control disease activity or immunosuppressants are contraindicated and in the group of patients with high risk of infections. Current literature about using ECP in rheumatology is scarce and most data come from case reports and small observational studies. Systemic sclerosis is the most studied rheumatic disease in the field of ECP use. The disease appeared on the list of clinical applications of ECP therapy according to American Society for Apheresis. However, no European or American guidelines, or recommendations for the treatment in rheumatology suggest ECP as the treatment option. There are no standards in performing ECP in rheumatic diseases concerning indications, length of therapy, concomitant immunosuppressive treatment, follow up or patients characteristic. In this review, we have searched literature concerning ECP use in rheumatic diseases.
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