Epigenetyka i nutrigenetyka witaminy C, implikacje kliniczne z uwzględnieniem okresu ciąży
Jolanta Wasilewska 1 , Tadeusz Wasilewski 2 , Krzysztof Zwierz 3Abstrakt
Vitamin C, first described over 90 years ago, is still being discovered by scientists today. Current epigenetic, nutrigenetic, and nutrigenomic research has given us a new understanding on why vitamin C is essential for optimal health at every stage of life. Ascorbic acid is involved in epigenetic reprogramming as an indispensable enzymatic cofactor in DNA demethylation in early preimplantation of embryos in utero, a process regulating fetal growth and development. Another role of vitamin C in pregnancy is associated with genetic variants in sodium-dependent vitamin C transporters (SVCT) that may be connected with spontaneous preterm birth as a result of premature membrane rupture. Vitamin C, as an exogenous antioxidant supports an endogenous, internal antioxidant system and protects against damage to DNA and cell membranes, especially against lipid peroxidation in tissues like brain or reproductive cells. Currently, ascorbic acid is believed to be a neuromodulator of glutamatergic, dopaminergic, and GABAergic transmission pointing to its role as a modulator of human behavior. Genetic variants of vitamin C transporters are considered to be one of many possible predisposing factors associated with Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, or neurodegenerative diseases (all are characterized by a significant overproduction of free radicals). The most efficient in protection against free-radical damage to DNA are fresh vegetables and fruits containing ascorbic acid, as advised by WHO and FAO (FAO/WHO 2004). Consuming 5 servings of fresh and cold vegetables and fruits daily allows for a constant supply of vitamin C and prevents its deficiency.
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