Rozpoznanie i leczenie bąblowicy wielojamowej – aktualny stan wiedzy oraz problemy w codziennej praktyce w Polsce
Małgorzata Sulima 1 , Katarzyna Sikorska 1 , Wacław Nahorski 1 , Sebastian Borys 1Abstrakt
The aim of the study is to summarize the current state of knowlege in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with alveolar echinococcosis (AE), using serological tests and imaging techniques, and to present the most recent therapeutic guidelines based on a literature review. The paper discusses the challenges in diagnosing and treating AE encountered in clinical practice in Poland, based on the analysis of medical records of 86 patients with AE, who were hospitalized in the University Centre for Maritime and Tropical Medicine (UCMTM) between 2000 and 2018. In Poland, AE is usually diagnosed at the advanced stage, when optimal, radical surgery is not an option. Diagnosis of AE is often preceded by invasive diagnostic methods, such as biopsy or exploratory laparotomy, which may result in the infection spreading. Pharmacological treatment is associated with potential adverse effects and is a significant financial burden for the patient due to the lack of reimbursement. There is a need to raise the awareness of AE among physicians performing imaging studies and to facilitate access to modern techniques enabling the assessment of the parasitic process.
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