Wpływ środków dezynfekcyjnych na wymiary przestrzenne wycisków z mas alginatowych


Wpływ środków dezynfekcyjnych na wymiary przestrzenne wycisków z mas alginatowych

Marcin Szerszeń 1 , Michał Tyrajski 2 , Daniel Surowiecki 1 , Wojciech Poniewierski 2 , Bartłomiej Górski 3

1. Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Medical University of Warsaw
2. Students’ Scientific Group, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Medical University of Warsaw
3. Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Medical University of Warsaw

Opublikowany: 2020-02-19
DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.8553
GICID: 01.3001.0013.8553
Dostępne wersje językowe: pl en
Wydanie: Postepy Hig Med Dosw 2020; 74 : 36-41



Disinfection of dental impressions is a compulsory procedure performed in order to break the chain of infection. Disinfectants used for this purpose are divided into two large groups. These are ready-to-use disinfectants applied directly over the surface of the impression in the form of a spray and concentrates, which are used to prepare a solution in which the impressions are immersed for a specific period of time. This study aims to evaluate the influence of disinfectants on spatial dimensions of alginate mass impressions. Ninety cubic impressions were prepared using metal matrixes with external dimensions of 28 x 28 mm. Each impression was measured in two planes. The impressions were divided into three equinumerous sets of 30: Group I was disinfected with Zeta 7 Spray (n = 30), Group II was disinfected with Zeta 7 Solution (n = 30), and the control Group III (n = 30). The dimensions of the samples were measured in two planes after 24 (T1) and 120 (T2) hours. The obtained data was analysed statistically. The dimensions of the samples after 24 and 120 hours in the first group were significantly different from those of the control group and the differences were statistically significant (p <0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the second and the control group after 24 and 120 hours. Ready-to-use disinfectants influence the dimensional stability of alginate-mass impressions. The time between taking the impression and preparation of the cast should be considered while choosing the disinfecting agent.


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